Represented a major multinational operating in the telecommunications sector in a precedent setting contentious matter concerning the question of whether or not smartphones and tablets should be subject to copyright levies against 17 Copyright Collecting Societies.
Successfully defended a restaurant business in an unfair competition action brought against it by an asian fast food chain.
Acted for a major telecom company in the first ever Managed Services Transaction in Cyprus
Established a joint venture on behalf of four Greek Universities for the exploitation of inventions
Advised a Nigerian ship-owner in connection with issues arising out of the recognition and enforcement of a Nigerian judgment in Greece and claw-back proceedings
Achieved victory for a Czech Republic based company in a piercing of corporate veil claim involving complex questions of private international law
Represented a group of private investors in a class action against two SPVs and their major shareholder and associated criminal proceedings
Counselled a research and technology institute on a wide range of issues arising out of the commercial exploitation of its IP portfolio.
Designed the litigation strategy for a Belgian listed bottling company in a 2m commercial dispute
Advised a Canadian Hedge Fund in connection with an acquisition of 17 gold mines in Greece.
Advised a foreign investor in connection with the acquisition of a private island in the Ionian Sea.